Saturday, December 15, 2007

Offline Promotions For Your Blog

All the talk these days seems to focus around ways to promote your blog. Most of them center around online methods such as Ezine advertising and banner ads. But there are some excellent, offline methods you can use to promote your blog, too.

And they're FREE !

Local Business Magazines

Many towns have locally published business-oriented magazines. These deal with local interests as well as more broad topics relative to all businesses.

Contact your local magazine and offer to write a monthly or weekly guest column for them. Your credits will be provided with your article including your domain name.


The same idea used above for local magazines can be used to approach your local newspaper.

While papers do have staff writers, they are also looking for experts who can provide excellent insight into specific areas. You might consider contacting the Business Editor to get more information. Of course, include your blog address with your bio.

Association Newsletters

Most local chapters of associations offer printed newsletters that are mailed to their membership. Open your telephone book and look through the listings to find associations that fit with your target audience.

Approach these publications about contributing an article on a regular basis, provided your credits (with domain name) are included.

Create A Promotion

If your business has a product or service that can benefit the listeners or viewers of a TV or radio station, create an idea for a promotion and bring it to the Promotion Director's attention.

You might tie it in with a holiday or event. Perhaps during National Small Business Week, you can offer to give away products or services in a drawing.

The exposure you receive will far outweigh the cost of your freebie.

These are just a few ways you can promote your online business offline for free. If you look around your community, you're sure to find many others. Keep your eyes open and watch for other outlets that can bring promotional .

McAfee, Inc

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